
Many people are involved in criminal and civil disputes with the court system. Many have dealt with difficult situations in their lives, and many want the help that will aid their understanding of how they've come to develop pro-offending ideals. By working with us, clients gain insight into the long-standing thought and behaviorial patterns that led to their criminality. When people are able to understand the root of their behaviors, they become able to change those behaviors. This not only helps them to succeed at their own goals, but it also protects the community by lowering the rates of recidivism in the county, town, and neighborhood.

More often, we have been hired by judges who want to gain an understanding of a person's personality and clinical concerns before making a decision about sentencing or treatment; however, our staff have also been hired by lawyers, parole agents, and family members. If you are someone who is interested in change, or if you know of someone who is interested in change, continue to browse this site to learn more.

Self-referrals from the community are welcome!

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